Last night before bed, she asked me to listen to her heart, and I didn’t think twice about it. But as I put my ear to her chest, and heard a gentle whooshing that I’ve never heard before, it hit me stronger than ever that barring a miracle, heart surgery is imminent. It won’t be tomorrow, but it is coming…and the fact that her doctors can’t give us a timeframe (months, a year, or years) makes it all the more…
Getting back in the habit of daily writing has been a rather daunting challenge for me. In truth, I’ve been agonizing and overanalyzing my plan of attack around it for months. But with a blog conference in California looming on the horizon, and a promise to myself to be willing to explore and experiment more in my personal writing this year, I’ve finally managed to get a handle on my self-doubt, wrestling it quite forcefully into what I hope will…